2012年12月2日 星期日


(財政一  蔡依珊)由於演講者說話一直黏在一起 所以幾乎都停不太懂
我認為有時這樣是好的因為儒家重"仁"包括待人處事的道理 這也是為何中國近幾年來工商業起飛之快速的其中一個原因
然後感覺有時老師對於中國的 不論是其政府宣傳口令....等都抱持著有點揶揄的態度,或許這跟他身為西方民主國家人民本有的意識形態有關吧! 

(教育一  蔡依玲)透過照片跟一些聽的懂的句子可以了解孔子學院大概想傳播的是哪些知識與文化

(政治碩一  Herbary Cheung)孔子學院的文化軟實力作用,主要體現在三個方面:孔子學院對內促進傳統文化興起,對外構建世界了解中國文化的平台,因而孔子學院有利於傳承傳播中國文化;孔子學院通過促進中國高等教育國際化,發展中國文化事業,同時也對提升中國文化產業競爭力的途徑進行了有益探索;孔子學院成立後成為中國文化外交的重要手段,在國際上樹立了積極溫暖的中國形象。

(財政一  Ina Shang)The topic of today’s lecture was Confucianism as a soft power in China’s Rise. The lecturer mentioned by building Confucianism institutes can gain credibility in the international society. Furthermore Confucianism is a great way to boost China’s negative images since it provides a more trust worthy base internally and externally. I completely agree with these methods, however I believe only building Confucianism school can’t reach out to many people, yes it may raise awareness of Chinese cultures for students, staff and neighbors that live near the school, however it is not enough to get rid of China’s negative images. Certainly in Taiwan people’s eyes Mainland Chinese people have a negative stereotype; they are often categorized as rude, not well mannered, and too loud. Personally I believe if China wants to become internationally conformed, the government need to set up education schemes for the next generation to understand and start complying to international manners such as queuing, not spitting, talking softly in closed areas. As a result, the next generation can be more presentable when dealing with foreigners on a daily basis. 
Secondly, I also believe that the Chinese government should be more involved in humanitarian aids. Though humanitarian aids are costly and sometimes will not benefit their country. However, by supporting weaker countries or countries in need after a disaster shows that china plays the role of the bigger person. By doing so, they will gain lots of positive media reports which can be used to show the world that China does not only manufacture cheap things, they are also active players in trying to make the world a better place. By doing so, they can gain more cooperating opportunities with other powerful countries and gain trust in weaker countries. As a result china can use generous backgrounds to persuade others when china wants to make political actions or tackle new strategies. As dreamy as that sound, China rarely steps in during international conflicts unless it involves countries that will directly affect them (North Korea, Taiwan and USA) and furthermore since the economy has plateaued meaning the government income is slowing down which makes it harder for china to generously distribute funds to troubling countries.
At the end of the lecture the professor had very impressively answered the difference between Western’s images on Japan’s modernity in comparison with China’s modernity. I wholehearted agree as Japan has developed very trust worthy and advanced technology which has impressed the west. On the other hand, China is only able to produce large quantities of cheap quality goods. I really enjoyed the professors way of cutting into ways of china can increase their soft power. However what I really had hoped was that at the end of the presentation he would list out other various ways in order for China to produce a better image, to gain international credibility or how china can improve the Confucianism institutes to set out even clearer values, and be more trust worthy.